North Carolina General Assembly

About Your Legislature


The 2023 North Carolina General Assembly convened January 11, 2023 for its first year of a new two year biennium. The 170 member legislature is comprised of 120 state house members and 50 state senate members. Members serve two year terms, elected during even number years, and are not term limited. The 政府ernor, elected every four years, is term limited to two terms. This year’s legislative session is anticipated to adjourn late summer or early fall.

Along with the executive leadership of the association, 胜博发娱乐app下载 has a team of four contract lobbyists representing members’ needs at the legislature. Our lobbying team has a combined more than 60 years of state and federal 政府ernment affairs experience.

Legislative Committee Information

Below are the committees in the NC General Assembly that 胜博发娱乐app下载’s legislative efforts will focus on during this session. We encourage you to contact these committee chairs, as well as your local legislators, during each session to enlist their support for 胜博发娱乐app下载’s efforts on your behalf.

You can view a full list of Senate  or 房子  members or to find and contact the State Legislators in your area of the state. You may also click on the following links to view your 房子 or Senate 代表resentation by County:  房子 Senate then click on the county where you live for a list of the 房子 or Senate legislators.

Click to view and contact your representation in the US Congressional Delegation.

Title First 名字 Last 名字 Leg Tel (919) Email Address Member Bio / Info
Senator Michael 715-2525 Michael.李 Senator 李
Senator 布兰特 Jackson 733-5705 布兰特 Senator Jackson
Title First 名字 Last 名字 Leg Tel (919) Email Address Member Bio / Info
Senator 乔伊斯 Krawiec 733-7850 乔伊斯 Senator Krawiec
Senator 卡尔 福特 733-5665 卡尔.福特 Senator 福特
Title First 名字 Last 名字 Leg Tel (919) Email Address
Senator 盖尔 Adcock 715-3036 盖尔 Senator Adcock
Senator W. 泰德 Alexander 733-0690 泰德 Senator Alexander
Senator 瓦尔 Applewhite 733-5776 瓦尔 Senator Applewhite
Senator Mary Wills 波德 733-5850 MaryWills.波德 Senator 波德
Senator 吉姆 Burgin 733-5748 吉姆 Senator Burgin
Senator 松鸦 Chaudhuri 715-6400 松鸦 Senator Chaudhuri
Senator 凯文 Corbin 733-5875 凯文 Senator Corbin
Senator 卡尔 福特 733-5665 卡尔.福特 Senator 福特
Senator Bobby Hanig 715-8293 Senator Hanig
Senator 拉尔夫 Hise 733-3460 拉尔夫 Senator Hise
Senator Rachel 亨特 715-8331 Rachel.亨特 Senator 亨特
Senator Graig 迈耶 733-5804 Graig.迈耶 Senator 迈耶
Senator 蒂姆othy D. Moffitt 733-5745 蒂姆 Senator Moffitt
Senator 布莱德 Overcash 733-5734 布莱德 Senator Overcash
Senator 迪安 Proctor 733-5876 迪安 Senator Proctor
Senator 埃迪 D. Settle 733-5742 埃迪 Senator Settle
Senator 乔伊斯 Waddell 733-5650 乔伊斯 Senator Waddell
Senior 椅子s
Title 名字 Office Phone Office Email Member Bio / Info
代表resentative 迪安 Arp 919-715-3007 迪安 代表. Arp
代表resentative 唐尼 Lambeth 919-733-5747 唐尼 代表. Lambeth
代表resentative 杰森 Saine 919-733-5782 杰森 代表. Saine
Vice 椅子
Title 名字 Office Phone Office Email Member Bio / Info
代表resentative 约翰 Faircloth 919-733-5877 约翰 代表. Faircloth
Title 名字 Office Phone Office Email
代表resentative William D. Brisson 919-733-5772 代表. Brisson
代表resentative Jeffrey Elmore 919-733-5935 代表. Elmore
代表resentative 凯尔 大厅 919-733-5609 凯尔.大厅 代表. K. 大厅
代表resentative Brenden H. 琼斯 919-733-5821 Brenden.琼斯 代表. B. 琼斯
代表resentative 韦恩 Sasser 919-733-5908 韦恩 代表. Sasser
代表resentative 拉里 C. Strickland 919-733-5849 拉里 代表. Strickland
Title 名字 Office Phone Email Member Bio / Info
代表resentative 黛安娜 Wheatley 919-733-5959 黛安娜 代表. Wheatley
代表resentative Carson Smith 919-715-9664 代表. Smith
Vice 椅子s
Title 名字 Office Phone Email Member Bio / Info
代表resentative 罗莎 U. 吉尔 919-733-5880 罗莎.吉尔 代表. 吉尔
Title 名字 Office Phone Email Member Bio / Info
代表resentative Mark 布罗迪 919-715-3029 Mark.布罗迪 代表. 布罗迪
代表resentative Jeffrey Elmore 919-733-5935 代表. Elmore
代表resentative 唐尼 Lambeth 919-733-5747 唐尼 代表. Lambeth
代表resentative Joseph 派克 919-733-5906 Joseph.派克 代表. 派克
代表resentative 阿摩司 L. 快速 III 919-733-5902 阿摩司.快速 代表. 快速
代表resentative 詹姆斯 Roberson 919-733-5974 詹姆斯 代表. 罗斯
代表resentative Stephen M. 罗斯 919-733-5820 Stephen.罗斯 代表. Roberson

As good citizens and 胜博发娱乐app下载 members, it is essential to be knowledgeable and informed on the actions of elected officials related to public servants’ pensions and health plans. Being aware of the issues allows you to dialogue with your fellow 胜博发娱乐app下载 members and engage in advocacy, which is empowering. It can also lead to greater success in ensuring the legislators in Raleigh who represent you value you as critical members of their constituency.” 

胜博发娱乐app下载 Lobbyist Team